Null Modem Cable with Handshake

A Null Modem Cable with Full Handshake is incompatible with the previous types of cables hardware flow control, due to a crossing of its RTS/CTS pins. With suitable software, the cable is capable of much higher speeds than its predecessors. It also supports software flow control. This cable is used for connecting two DTE devices together.

Wiring Diagram

Pinout Table

DB9 (Female) Pin DB9 (Female) Name DB9 (Female) Pin
1 DCD 4
2 RXD (RD) 3
3 TXD (TD) 2
4 DTR 1
4 DTR 6
5 GND 5
6 DSR 4
7 RTS 8
8 CTS 7
  • Cable wire colours may vary.
  • RXD = Receive Asynchronous Data
  • TXD = Tranmit Asynchronous Data
  • DTR = Data Terminal Ready
  • GND = Ground
  • DSR = Data Set Ready
  • RTS = Request to Send Control/Handshake Signal
  • CTS = Clear to Send Control/Handshake Signal